(I hate replying to myself, but ...) Ok, since it seems that e-Omega is starting to get some "mass" interest, I'm thinking about setting up a mailing list for it. Maybe two, one for users and one for developers. Any suggestions on the listserver to use? Wednesday, August 27, 2003 Giuseppe Bilotta wrote: GB> Wednesday, August 27, 2003 Tim 't Hart wrote: TtH>> Jin-Hwan Cho wrote:
My suggestion for supporting CJK characters in ConTeXt is to write a new module using e-Omega. Even though e-Omega does not produce PDF format directly, there are not much problem with DVIPDFMx.
TtH>> When I first tried to use Japanese with ConTeXt, I first looked at TtH>> e-Omega. The reason I gave up and tried to adapt the Chinese module TtH>> was that e-Omega was unstable on my machine. Version 1.23 crashed TtH>> immediately (got stuck in a loop producing [] characters). I tried TtH>> 1.15 because I heard that was more stable. I got some Japanese TtH>> output with this version, but when I tried creating more than a TtH>> paragraph, it locked as well. But this was all a few months ago. TtH>> Does anybody know if things with e-Omega have improved recently? GB> I happen to be in the e-Omega task force, so I'm extremely GB> interested in any bug report you may have on it. For the GB> moment, let's stick to the 1.15 version, which is the official GB> version. GB> First of all, which TeX distribution are you using, and what GB> does the e-Omega banner say? I know there are people using GB> e-Omega for production use, so you might want to see if there GB> is an upgrade available for your distribution. GB> Secondly, do you have a test file I could give a look at? If it GB> needs any nonstandard extra files/fonts/metrics/packages, GB> please give me pointers to these as well.