I'd like to add a section on using TeXLive fonts to my help page. First: listing those which are predefined in ConTeXt. Then: writing typescripts for the others. Since I don't want to write any unncessary scripts, please check this list to see if I've missed anything. This is what I see by looking at type-exa.tex and running some experiments: (1) The default, with no type specification, gives Bluesky Computer Modern. (2) This produces CM-Super Computer Modern: \usetypescript[modern][ec] \setupbodyfont[modern] (3) This produces Palatino (URW Palladio): \usetypescript[berry][ec] % or [8r] \usetypescript[palatino][ec] % \setupbodyfont[palatino] (4) This produces Times (URW Nimbus): \usetypescript[berry][ec] % or [8r] \usetypescript[times][ec] % \setupbodyfont[times] (5) These both produce Times, Helvetica (\ss) and Courier (\tt) from the URW Nimbus collection: \usetypescript[berry][ec] % or [8r] \setupbodyfont[pos] or \usetypescript[berry][ec] % or [8r] \usetypescript[postscript][ec] \setupbodyfont[postscript] * * * That's all I can find. type-exa.tex contains Lucida typeface definitions, but the corresponding tfm's don't exist on TeXLive. Is there some setting to make these work? Similarly, type-enc.tex contains many font synonyms, but the tfm's do not exist and there are no typeface definitions for them. For anything else, I'll have to produce typescripts, right? -Bill -- Sattre Press Pagan Papers http://sattre-press.com/ by Kenneth Grahame info@sattre-press.com http://pp.sattre-press.com/