Hello everyone, I am new to ConTeXt (I've been tempted to try it out because of a message by Sebastian Rahtz, posted on TEI-L). I admit that so far I have been able to get through only the main manual, but I am very curious about some things and therefore I would really appreciate it if you could answer my questions: 1. I am interested in authoring in XML and than typesetting in ConTeXt. Are there any preferences towards using some particular markup language for typesetting in ConTeXt? Is e.g. using DocBook more preferable that using TEI--from the point of view of typesetting in ConTeXt, of course. 2. Are there any generic tools available (stylesheets etc.) for typesetting DocBook/TEI or does one have to come up with his own stylesheets? I assume that the latter is necessary if one wants to get exactly the layout he wants, but maybe there are some basic stylesheets that one can use as a base for his own ones? 3. Also, I have a more general question -- for some (short) period of time I have been reading both TEI-L and NTG-CONTEXT, all the issues related to typesetting documents marked up in XML are very confusing. Do you know any good manual/tutorial concerned with these issues that I could use a starting point for my studies on the subject? Thank you in advance- -Radek Moszczynski