Mike Cooper schrieb am 06.08.2020 um 17:15:
I imagine this is probably simple but I can’t find it…
I want the first page only of each section to have particular content in header/footer, then all the following pages to different specific content.Right now, I am manually entering it in each section.I’m hoping there’s a way to automate this; put it into the environment file for all sections.
Of course you can set different header/footer layouts for chapter pages. With \setupheadertexts and \setupfootertexts you set first the text which should appear on regular pages. To have a different text on a chapter page you can use the \definetext command to set them (third first argument is the name of the setup and the second argument the location). These setups than can applied to the chapter with the header and footer key in \setuphead. %%%% begin example \setupheadertexts [Page \userpagenumber\ of \lastuserpagenumber] \definetext [chapterheader] % name [header] % vertical position [This is a chapter page] % content \definetext [chapterfooter] [footer] [pagenumber] \setuphead [chapter] [header=chapterheader, footer=chapterfooter] \starttext \dorecurse{10} {\expanded{\chapter{Chapter \recurselevel}} \dorecurse{\numexpr2*\recurselevel\relax}{\samplefile{knuth}}} \stoptext %%%% end example Wolfgang