Hi, While developping a page-layout for a book I cam across the following strange behaviour: The textblock in the attached example is larger than the paramters in the layout section would indicate. The pagenumber in the footer however respects the layout-parameters. Showframe does print the correct layout as given in de layout section. To me it looks like a calculation error. Hans could you please comment on this? Thanks Willi % Test-file % \showframe gives the correct dimensions. % The textblock however is larger than it should be. Interestingly it is at left and right margin % the same amount. % The pagenumber in the footer is placed correctly. % Context file % filename: boek-zetspiegel.tex % Willi Egger % 17-11-2005 \setupoutput[pdftex] \setupbodyfont[rm,10pt] \definepapersize[Boek][width=125mm,height=200mm] \setuppapersize[Boek][A4] \setuppagenumbering[state=start,location={footer,marginedge},alternative=doublesided] \setuplayout [topspace=16.7mm, header=0pt, headerdistance=0pt, margin=8mm, backspace=10.4mm, textwidth=93.8mm, margindistance=1mm, footerdistance=3\bodyfontsize, footer=1.5\bodyfontsize, location=middle] \setuptolerance[tolerant] \starttext \showframe \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \blank[0.5cm]} \stoptext