On 12/27/2011 04:07 PM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 27.12.2011 um 14:26 schrieb Verhaag, G.C.H.M.:
Hi Wolfgang and John,
Both ways work well, thanks a lot! Does this mean that the setupMPpage command will become obsolete in near future?
Are both suggestions documented somewhere or is this mailing list the only way to find out?
It’s already obsolete as you noticed by the “undefined control sequence” warning.
The reason for this is that \startMPpage and \startTEXpage are now defined in a different way than they had been in MkII. In MkII both commands are defined with \def\startMPpage{…} and \def\startTEXpage{…} but in MkIV both are a instance of fittingpage and the definition for them is \definefittingpage[MPpage] and \definefittingpage[TEXpage]. As a consequence the old \setupMPpage command is also gone and you have to set global settings with \setupfittingpage[<environment>][<settings>].
Such a changes do happen with many commands in MkIV and the setup-commands for them are moved to the underlying mechanism (e.g. fittingpage).
Wolfgang ...
Hi Wolfgang, Thank you very much for your prompt explanation! Regards, Gerard Verhaag