11 Jun
11 Jun
10:34 p.m.
Hi Aditya!
On Mon, 11 Jun 2012, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Mon, 11 Jun 2012, Philipp Gesang wrote: Other potential topics that fit better on such a page:
* Why is space after \externalfigure[..][..] gobbled? (in the FAQ) * Why does \framed not work in the beginning of a line (or why we need \dontleavehmode) (in the FAQ) * Why page=yes does not give a page break before sections (why we need to add continue=no) (in the ML a few days ago) * Why does marking=on not work when page-layout=print-layout (the marking is outside the page-layout). (in the ML a few weeks ago, and on tex.sx)
Let’s not forget the float vs. paragraph issue: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/56388/avoid-line-break-after-macro Philipp