Thanks a lot Wolfang for your answer. I have 5 additional questions... sorry. -----------------------------------------------------------
\placeFLOAT becomes \placerFLOAT \startplaceFLOAT becomes \debutplacerFLOAT \placerchemical becomes \placerchemical \startplacerchemical becomes \debutplacerchemical
\placefigure is a combination of the element "place" (\e!place) and the variable "figure" (\v!figure) \startplacefigure is a combination of the elements "start" (\e!start) and "place" (\e!place) and the variable "figure" (\v!figure.)
So, I'm still doing something wrong, because changing the translation of "figure" in "mult-def.lua" (in the part "variables"), only affect : 1- command "\startfigure \stopfigure" 2- "figure" in "\setuppageinjection" > alternative = figure buffer... ----------------------------------------------------------- I get another difficulty with \startitemize and \stopitemize the translation of the variable "itemize" has no impact on the setup-fr.pdf file produced with : context --interface=fr --global --result=setup-fr x-setups-overview.mkiv But, I just found that if I actually use the translated commands in a test.tex file, it just works. % interface=fr \debuttexte \debutlister \elem first \elem second \finlister \fintexte What should I do in order to have a setup-fr.pdf file that shows the translations actually available ? ----------------------------------------------------------- With the translation of the command textwidth, I can use "largeur=0.5\largeurtexte" (cool !) But this command is not listed in setup-fr.pdf. Is there a way to add these basic commands to setup-fr.pdf ? ----------------------------------------------------------- Math. I get the following error : fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage) fonts > defining > font with asked name 'fichier' is not found using lookup 'file' fonts > defining > unknown font 'fichier', loading aborted I suppose that due to the translation of "file" to "fichier". It's OK when I switch back to - setupstrings cd:file ==> file - variables file ==> file How can I translate the variable "file" into fichier, without messing with fonts (and maybe other file related functions) -----------------------------------------------------------
Delimited command are problematic (especially when they change catcodes), e.g. \startluacode use \stopluacode as hard coded delimiter for the environment. While it is easy to create a synonym for \startluacode this isn't the case for \stopluacode because the environment always look for \stopluacode as stopper and alternative names are ignored.
\startsection \stopsection and \startformula \stopformula seem OK. How can I identify the delimited commands that should not be translated in order to avoid this issue. ----------------------------------------------------------- Thanks again