Hi there, in my document(s) I have enumerations (created with \defineenumeration) and "typing"s (created with \definetyping) and I need to give a specific layout to them. In particular, I want to add textbackground (created with \definetextbackground) and sometimes a sidebar (created with \definesidebar) to them. However, when I surround for example my typing with a textbackground like this \starttextbackground[code] \startCpp ... \stopCpp \stoptextbackground or by putting the textbackground commands in "before=" and "after=" of my typing, then there will be an additional empty line at the end of the typing. Same with the enumerations and when I surround it with a sidebar instead of a textbackground. Often there is even an additional line / additional space before the typing/enumeration. How to surround such things properly? I just want a background to these and a sidebar. No addition spacing / empty lines. I would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you, Johann