Dear all, I'd like to ask about drawing a line in the header and a line between columns. 1)I'd like to add hairlines in the header using before and after in \setupheader, but the lines was drawn from the leftend of the leftmargin with the textwidth only. So, there is no line at the right end of the header. How to make the lines start from the left end of the text area? 2) I setup [rule=on] in column setup, but the length of the line depends on the length of the text. How to draw the separation line from the top to bottom? Thank you for reading. Regards Dalyoung Here is the code and output. ******************************* \setupheader[][before=\hairline, after=\hairline] \setupheadertexts[][text for the header] \setuppagenumbering[location=footer] \starttext \startcolumns[rule=on, n=2]