At 2017-11-11T14:37:33+01:00, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
"contextjit --nodates" is your friend here.
No \pdf* commands are required.
I hope it helps,
Dear Pablo,
Thanks for the answer. It works.
$ cat example.tex
Hello, world!
$ ( context --nodates example.tex && cp example.pdf a && sleep 1 && \
context --nodates example.tex && cp example.pdf b ) > /dev/null && \
md5sum a b
74497066154ebb4df7978719127f1a93 a
74497066154ebb4df7978719127f1a93 b
Incidentally, is it common to use the contextjit command instead of
context? The only hint I found at the Wiki is at
http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Running_Mark_IV#Experimental_speedup which
says that the jit flag leads to quicker processing of the source.
N. Raghavendra