Footnotes are normally marked with superior figures both in the text and before the footnote itself. Context's defaults prevent this, and I can't figure out how to change the defaults. 1. The defaults So that no imagination is necessary, here is a minimal example: \starttext text\footnote{footnote} \stoptext I have to guess what Context is doing. It looks like it's taking the regular numbers from the font, shrinking them somehow and elevating them. It does this in unequal amounts for the marks in text and the marks before footnotes. In both cases, the number is so light it's barely readable. In the case of the mark before the footnote, it's raised much too high. Normal, professional fonts have superior figures in them that are used for footnote marks. It _should_ be possible to use them, that is. All I want to do is turn off the default scaling and raising behavior of Context footnote marks so I can do this, and finally get normal looking footnotes. No doubt, people will object that they don't have my font in the room with them, and it is therefore impossible to think about the problem. So, I repeat myself: all I want to do is turn off the default scaling and raising. 2. My first stab at correcting this. WARNING: I have a font with the opentype features 'sups' and 'numr'. You might not have this font, but it is still possible to think about the problem: the problem is not my font, but Context's defaults. \definefontfeature[su][default][sups=yes]%superior \definefontfeature[nu][default][numr=yes]%numerator \newcommand{\fnstyle}{\switchtobodyfont[12pt]\addff{su}} \setupnote[footnote][numbercommand=\fnstyle,textcommand=\fnstyle\tfa] (Note: my body font is 12pt.) This is as close as I could get to correcting the problem. When I do this, the marks in text look a little too low, too short and much too bold. It looks like Context is still scaling and elevating on its own. The marks before the footnotes are much too large and far, far too high. Context seems to be trying to squeeze them between the lines. This also seems to force extra space between the separate footnotes, even though I have grid on. If I try using numerators instead of superiors (they look the same but are lower), the marks in text look too bold and far too low. The marks before the footnotes are at the right height, but too big. DISCLAIMER: it is not necessary to own my font in order to think about this problem. The issue is the default scaling and raising that Context applies to footnote marks. I want to turn it off.