Hans, This was very helpful; though I am left with two issues: 1) What is the correct way to get an empty page right after the title page (standardmakeup); thus without headers and both for doublesided and singlesided? 2) I understand now the origin of the empty pages; it is related to starting at a new (left/right) page. However: at the end of the document an extra page is added to get an even number of pages in the doublesided setup. But this page gets a header and it is also counted in the total number of pages. I prefer to have an empty pages without header, not numbered and not counting in the total number of pages. (I personally think this would be the correct way) How to achieve this? Regards, Rob Hans Hagen wrote:
At 10:09 AM 11/25/2002 +0100, you wrote:
\startfrontmatter \page[yes,blank,empty]
^ hmm
\completecontent \stopfrontmatter
section blocks as set up to start/end on a right/left page; chapters are set up to start at a righ tpage; in a single sided layout, a left/right page is just a next page
you can play with:
%\setupsectionblock[frontpart] [page=yes] %\setupsectionblock[bodypart] [page=yes] %\setupsectionblock[appendix] [page=yes] %\setuphead [chapter] [page=yes]
Keep in mind that going to a next page is kind of tricky, since it is related to setting/resetting header/footer texts, backgrounds, so you'd best know where/when to issue such a command
-- _____________________________________________________________ Rob W. van Swol National Aerospace Laboratory NLR Tel. +31 527 248252 P.O. Box 153 Fax +31 527 248210 8300 AD Emmeloord E-Mail vanswol@nlr.nl The Netherlands http://www.neonet.nl/