I've been using teTeX - LaTeX - LucidaBright fonts for many years, but am unable to make these fonts work in ConTeXt. My present setup after installing teTeX (a Debian or Ubuntu package): 1. Make a directory /usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/type1/yandy 2. Copy the LB .pfb files to subdirectories lubright, lucida, lucidfax, lucsans and lumath 3. Run texhash and everything works fine in LaTeX -- I only have to specify \usepackage{lucidbry} in the preamble of my documents. Couldn't be easier. I've read through some of the archived messages on this newsgroup for clues for making LB fonts work with ConTeXt, I have even tried following the suggested steps, but no dice. Could someone here please list the precise steps required to get from my above teTeX setup to one that works in ConTeXt? -- H.A.J. Koster "Behavioral axioms are right, but agents make mistakes..." (attributed to L.J. Savage)