2011/8/12 Willi Egger
just out of curiosity I installed TeXWorks under Windows (XP).
In order to let TeXWorks use the minimals one needs to set things up.
1. create a batch file e.g. TW-context.bat with the following content:
call c:\context\tex\setuptex.bat c:\context\tex context "%~dpn1.tex"
I saved the file in the Owners folder. Of course the path in the call statement must reflect the situation on your machine.
2 Start TeXWorks 3 Open under 'Edit' 'Preferences' and there the tab 'Typeseting' 4 Add in the top window with plus the path to the batch-file e.g. C:/Documents and Settings/Owner 5 Add with + in the processing tools window a new entry, fill the configuration screen in: Name: e.g. ContextMKIV 6 Fill the Programme: (easiest with the Browse button) C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/TW-context.bat 7 Add with + an new argument and fill in $basename 8 Click the checkbox to have TW showing the generated pdf 9 Click OK 10 Change the default tool to be used to ContextMKIV 11 Click OK
and you are done!
For one reason or another it does not work. I think because the batch setups an environment and does not compile the source. I do not get an error message, but the pdf is not generated. When I open a DOS prompt, I need to execute the batch file to get context recognized as a command. When I execute context after executing the batch file, the pdf is generated. But when I change the batch file for: C:/context/tex/texmf-mswin/bin/context.exe The compilation is started, but does not work correctly, because the environment is not set correctly. I tried executing the batch file to set the environment, but that is not recognised in TeXworks. I first tried to change the batch file and let it start TeXworks. That worked, but then I had a better idea. In step four I set the path to: C:/context/tex/texmf-mswin/bin And now it works completely correct I think. -- Cecil Westerhof