I was probing into the font variant mechanism. This did not work, th Light font could not be made to typeset: \starttypescript [calligraphy] [mathtimeyy] [name] \definefontsynonym [CalligraphyRegular] [Calligraphy] \definefontsynonym [Calligraphy] [MathTimes-Calligraphy] \definefontsynonym [CalligraphyBold] [MathTimes-CalligraphyBold] \definefontvariant [Calligraphy] [light] [-Light] \definefontsynonym [CalligraphyRegular-Light] [MathTimes- CalligraphyLight] \definefontsynonym [CalligraphyBold-Light] [MathTimes- CalligraphyLightBold] \stoptypescript But changing Calligraphy into Serif in the last three lines \definefontvariant [Serif] [light] [-Light] \definefontsynonym [SerifRegular-Light] [MathTimes- CalligraphyLight] \definefontsynonym [SerifBold-Light] [MathTimes- CalligraphyLightBold] it seems to work. QUESTION: Is the variant mechanism exclusively tied to the series Serif (\rm) and Sans (\ss)? If otherwise, what am I doing wrong then? yours sincerely, dr. H. van der Meer