Hello ntg-context,
I have a copy of texexec.pl dated 2002/05/04 which has a bug in it. I
use tetex under cygwin in Windows, and was having a lot of trouble
getting texexec working. The problem is as follows. There is a line in
my $dosish = ($Config{'osname'} =~ /^(ms)?dos|^os\/2|^(ms|cyg)win/i);
The purpose of this is to find out if we are in a "dosish" environment.
This is used later:
unless ($dosish)
~ { if ($TeXFormatFlag == "&") { $TeXFormatFlag = "\\&" }
~ if ($MpFormatFlag == "&") { $MpFormatFlag = "\\&" } }
This breaks badly (and very confusingly) later when we do system() calls
if $SHELL=bash. I don't know if the rest of cygwin's environment
qualifies as "dosish" or not for the rest of the program, although mine
works fine if it's turned off.
Is this a known bug?
- --
Gregory D. Collins