Hello ConTeXist. Within the one very complex problem I need to solve the following case. I want using lua code to define a macro with one optional parameter in brackets. I tried it using commands context.setgvalue, or find something on the wiki (http://wiki.contextgarden.net/System_Macros/Definitions_and_Assignments), but each time I broke a tooth on it. Can you, please, someone advise how something can be it done? Suffice some reference to solve a similar problem. Thanks Jaroslav Hajtmar Here is my minimal example: \starttext \def\lastname{\dosingleempty\dolastname} \def\dolastname[#1]{\iffirstargument #1\else nothing\fi} \lastname \lastname[Smith] % Not working % \ctxlua{ % context([[\def\firstname{\dosingleempty\dofirstname}]]) % context([[\def\dofirstname[#1]{\iffirstargument #1\else {nothing}\fi}]]) % } % % \firstname % % \firstname['Peter'] \stoptext