On 2012-02-28 Jaroslav Hajtmar
Project structure use quite often, but yet similar question not occurred to me.
It's a very interesting question, I was asking myself the same and I'm curious about the answer. The ConTeXt magazine #1101 - Project Structure¹ is reserved about this topic and simply states: “The names given after the start command are not that important…”
I had always previously PPP and CCC as existing filenames on the disk.
I always used filenames, too.
But I would like to extend Luke's question on this issue: You can load an existing component to other components?
The ConTeXt magazine #1101 includes a table of the possible combinations of the commands. From this table I conclude that components are allowed between: ∙ \starttext \stoptext ∙ \startcomponent \stopcomponent ∙ \startproduct \stopproduct Marco [1] http://pragma-ade.com/general/magazines/mag-1101.pdf