Am 16.12.2011 um 11:41 schrieb Philipp A.:
thanks for the effort. i can’t say i understand anything about fonts if i judge from what the results of above suggestions look like:
\definesimplefonttypeface[mainface][Cambria] \definesimplefonttypeface[mainface][Ubuntu] [style=sans] \definesimplefonttypeface[mainface][cambria][style=math]
Well: header math is in unbold cambria, body text in courier or something like this, and the math font features are not used (tiny parentheses around matrices, fraction denominators and numerators are shrunk instead of using small glyphs)
\usemodule[simplefonts] \setmainfont[Cambria] \setmathfont[Cambria] \setsansfont[Ubuntu]
I’ll upload a new version of the module.
too slim parentheses, but this is to be expected :D
\definetypeface[mainface][rm][specserif][Cambria] \definetypeface[mainface][ss][specsans] [Ubuntu] \definetypeface[mainface][mm][math] [cambria]
exactly the same as above. slim parentheses in header math, rest working. cambria in the last line only works when lowercase, but is case-insensitive in the rm and ss lines. does this solution disable the completeboldmathstrategy automatically?
Typescripts and typefaces are case sensitive and \definetypeface[…][…][math][cambria] is not the same as \definetypeface[…][…][math][Cambria]. Wolfgang