Hi, I'm new to this list and have quite a lot of questions. (Questions of course I can not answer after reading the contributions to the list.) I'll start with three of them in individual threads. Its funny that the ability to set gridfitting text, is often characterized as something that belongs in the domain of wordprocessors or DTP programs. For me it is an essential feature of typesetting since my publisher demands it---for good reasons: When printing on thin paper (paperback) one would see the lines of the backside of the paper inbetween the lines of its frontside---destroying a good contrast of the text. Beside of its general structure the announced ability to set to grid (dt.: Registerhaltig) is one of reasons for me to get into Context. But after a while of testing I'm not sure whether Context does what I want it to do. Here are my expectations. If you got something like this: normaltext text text text text text text text text texttext text text texttext texttext texttext texttext texttext text ---in 9dd, line: 10dd text text text texttext texttext texttext texttext text text texttext texttext texttext texttext texttext text \startcitation smalltext text text texttext texttext texttext texttext text text text text texttext texttext texttext texttext text ---text in 8dd, line: 9dd text texttext texttext texttext texttext texttext text \stopcitation normaltext text text texttext texttext texttext texttext text text texttext texttext texttext texttext texttext text ---in 9dd line 10dd text texttext texttext texttext texttext texttext text... we are loosing the grid because of the smaller lineskip in citation. I would like to modify the definition of citation (and other stuff, that causes deviations from the grid (headings)) in a way that the following text will adjust to the grit again. Is that possible? As far as I can see "\moveongrid" does not work in cases like the given example. Thanks in advance Matthias Vogel