Hi all, Another question, this time about \headers and \footers. On the first page of the chapter I have the page number in the footer and on all other pages they are in the header. This works fine, as expected. However I have to include an \externalfigure *before* the \chapter command and I discovered that I have to use \startcombination because otherwise the \chapter moves to the next page. However, when I use \startcombination ... etc \chapter is not longer the first thing on the page and the special header/footer setup is not triggered (apparently \chapter has to come first for that to happen). See sample code: % sample \definetext[mychapter][footer][pagenumber] \setuphead[chapter][header=high,footer=mychapter] \showframe \starttext %\startcombination[1*1]{\externalfigure}{ % uncomment to see problem \chapter{first} %}\stopcombination % uncomment to see problem \dorecurse{20}{\input tufte \relax} \chapter{second} \dorecurse{20}{\input tufte \relax} % this works as expected \stoptext % sample Is it possible to make this work? (maybe an extra \chapter command before the combination that triggers the header-footer setup, but that is not printed after all?) Thanks for any help. Jelle