Hello, my opinion is that ConTeXt including capitalization of some preselected letters is OK. Imagine - how new mode of work brings ConTeXt (and other TeX family) to someone who knows only or has been working with Word before! If it's to much to someone to remember correct "ConTeXt" writing (or to use \context macro - I never used it before, so I'm not sure whether such a macro exists; if it doesn't, it might be useful to define it; like \LaTeX in LaTeX), than it's probable one will not want to "see-through" the whole typesetting system (and more, ConTeXt may be a bit simpler for usage than LaTeX) and to learn how to typeset in this system (as he may be used to click an icon by mouse to get the required operation). Also - if someone sees "ConTeXt" written, he may ask why some letters are capitalized. Especially seeing "TeX" should be preserved as it demonstrates relation to "TeX"; first letter uppercase ("C") is common in (majority) of program names; and thus I'd keep the whole "ConTeXt" as I feel it as a "mark". Please take all above as my personal opinion; I don't like to touch anyone's point of view. Lukas