Hi, Why does (1) compile, whereas (2) doesn't? I can't understand why can MPinclusions store path and not pairs. %%%%%%%%%%%% (1) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \setuppapersize[A4,landscape] \startMPinclusions u:=1mm ; %fond path p ; p:= (0,0) -- (150u,0) -- (150u,95u) -- (0,95u) -- cycle ; pair x[] ; x[0]:= (20u,90u) ; x[1]:= (40u,90u) ; x[2]:= (90u,90u) ; x[3]:= (140u,90u) ; \stopMPinclusions \startreusableMPgraphic{test} draw p ; \stopreusableMPgraphic \starttext \reuseMPgraphic{test} \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%% (1) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \setuppapersize[A4,landscape] \startMPinclusions u:=1mm ; %fond path p ; p:= (0,0) -- (150u,0) -- (150u,95u) -- (0,95u) -- cycle ; pair x[] ; x[0]:= (20u,90u) ; x[1]:= (40u,90u) ; x[2]:= (90u,90u) ; x[3]:= (140u,90u) ; \stopMPinclusions \startreusableMPgraphic{test} draw p ; for i=0 step 1 until 3 : drawdot x[i] ; endfor ; \stopreusableMPgraphic \starttext \reuseMPgraphic{test} More generaly, which kind of variables cannot be stored in \startMPinclusions ? Thanks, Damien Thiriet