Dear Mr. Hagen, I have a problem with using PPCHTEX with LaTeX (MikTeX 2.6). After reporting this problem at GoogleGroups I get a message to report the problem directly to you. The problem is, that only the including of \usepackage{m-pictex, m-ch-de} makes six errors (pdflatex). The minimal example: \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{m-ch-de} \begin{document} Test \end{document} The errors: ! Missing { inserted. <to be read again> \def l.659 \unexpanded\def \complexstartchemical[#1]% ... ! Forbidden control sequence found while scanning text of \unexpanded. <inserted text> } l.840 ... ! Missing { inserted. <to be read again> \edef l.1768 \definecomplexorsimple\chemical ... \edef \chemical {\noexpand \docomplexorsimple \@EA \noexpand \csname \ETC. ! Forbidden control sequence found while scanning text of \unexpanded. <inserted text> } l.1867 ... ! Missing { inserted. <to be read again> \def l.1868 \unexpanded\def \chemicaloxidation#1#2#3% ... ! Forbidden control sequence found while scanning text of \unexpanded. <inserted text> } l.2026 I tried to use etex.sty, m-pictex and pstricks instead of pictex, but without success. The running with latex and pstricks makes even 19 errors. What can I do? I hope you can help me and send you many thanks in advance. Sincerely Erik PS: Sorry because of my English. I know, it's not the best. If you can understand german, you can have a look at http://groups.google.de/group/de.comp.text.tex/browse_thread/thread/8d675adc... where you can see the post at GoogleGroups.