Charles Doherty wrote:
Dear Taco,
I inserted the code as you suggested although perhaps not in the position you would yourself. I had to add the {} to \insertkeywords{}{}{}
I did this in the bibl.apa file and I get my index. Of course the keywords are now inserted in the bibliography. Is there a way to prevent that but still produce the index? Here are the test files that I am using. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me with this.
Remember this: \unprotect \def\insertkeywords#1#2#3% {\bibdoifelse{\@@pb@keywords} {% #1\@@pb@keywords #2% \processcommacommand[\@@pb@keywords]\index } {#3}% } \protect Drop the #1 .. #2 line and it will no longer typeset anything: \unprotect \def\insertkeywords#1#2#3% {\bibdoifelse{\@@pb@keywords} {% \processcommacommand[\@@pb@keywords]\index } {#3}% } \protect Best wishes, Taco