On 20 Jul 2015, at 17:43, Manuel Blanco
wrote: Well, you can make the colon active in math mode and then let it output \colon.
This is a TeX way, I don't know if there's a ConTeXt way for this:
\begingroup\lccode`\~=`\:\lowercase{\endgroup \let~}\colon \mathcode`\:="8000 %
For some reason, the colon in ConTeXt is larger relative LuaTeX. Also, it seems that “\:” is not used for anything - error in luatex, and empty in context. So it might be used for the infix operator. — context — \setupbodyfont[xits,10pt] \setupformulas[location=left] \begingroup\lccode`\~=`\:\lowercase{\endgroup \let~}\colon \mathcode`\:="8000 % \starttext The function $f: A → B$, $g\colon A → B$. \stoptext — — luatex — \begingroup\lccode`\~=`\:\lowercase{\endgroup \let~}\colon \mathcode`\:="8000 % The function $f: A → B$. —