Hi everyone! I appologise if this question is answered before. I was trying to do some math in ConTeXt today, but failed. What I wanted to do was something similar to the \begin{cases}\end{cases} thing in LaTeX (amsmath?). For the non-LaTeX-math-users, its something like this: f(x)= \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if}\ x<0\\ 1 & \text{if}\ x\geq 0 \end{cases} and one gets something like this: / 0 if x<0 f(x) = < \ 1 if x>=0 I didn't find any commands that did this so I searched alittle in the maillist archive and didn't find any solution to it. Are the amsmath commands available in one or another way or are the implemented somehow? I found newmat and m-math but I didn't find a solution in either of them. Are there any docs about how to type math in ConTeXt? I am also interested in things that looks like eqnarray and other environments in LaTeX's amsmath... Thanks in advance, Micke P