I am trying to have two numbered itemizations, with a paragraph in between, such that the second list starts where the first left off, without having to manually calculate the new start point. The following does not work, and I do not understand why. Mike \starttext \definecounter[mynumber][] \startitemize[n] \item The first item. \item The second item \item Item number \currentitemnumber{}, the last one. \setcounter[mynumber][\currentitemnumber] \stopitemize The \type{\getnumber[mynumber]} value is \getnumber[mynumber]. \incrementcounter[mynumber] And now the big finish, start at \getnumber[mynumber]: \startitemize[n][start=\getnumber[mynumber]] % WHY DOES THIS FAIL? \item Picking up where we left off. \item And all is well. \stopitemize Done! \stoptext