Hello together, I'm having trouble framing multiline equations. Problem is that either I get an error or the equation gets framed while the multiline is converted into a single line. Here is my code: --------------------- \starttext \startformula <- works like a charm \mframed[offset=1mm,loffset=3mm,roffset=3mm] {a + b = c} \stopformula \startformula \startalign <- that's an example multiline equation \NC c - a = \NC b \NR <- unframed it works \NC d + c - b = \NC a \NR \stopalign \stopformula \startformula \framed{\startalign <- \mframed gives an error. \framed works, but then the eq \NC c - a = \NC b \NR <- gets converted into a single line eq. \NC d + c - b = \NC a \NR \stopalign} \stopformula \stoptext --------------------- I tried to place \mframed at different locations. But the example above is the only one that doesn't give an error. How would an experienced CTX user frame multiline equations? I think it would work with natural TABLES. But i would only use that way, when nothing else works... Greetings, Seba