Wolfgang Schuster
3. I found that if I write \definefontfamily [docuf] [mm] [TeX Gyre Pagella Math] before \definefallbackfamily lines, the latter have no effect. Is this normal? Shouldn't the order of definition lines be indifferent? The fallbackfamily settings are applied to a typeface and the \definefontfamily commands creates the typeface, without \definefontfamily the fallbacks are never used because there is no font which can use the settings.
Sorry, but I don't understand the answer. If I have the code: \definefallbackfamily [documentfont] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:lowercaseitalic] \definefontfamily [documentfont] [mm] [TeX Gyre Pagella Math] then Tex Gyre Adventor font is used for math (\definefallbackfamily has effect). If I have this code: \definefontfamily [documentfont] [mm] [TeX Gyre Pagella Math] \definefallbackfamily [documentfont] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:lowercaseitalic] then Tex Gyre Pagella is used for math (\definefallbackfamily has no effect). According to your answer the opposite should happen, shouldn't? I am confused.
The x and xx perform not the same scaling as a, b etc. but you can define your own sizes which behave the same way as a etc.
\definefontsize[m] \definefontsize[n]
OK. How can I use this setting together with \definefontfamily and \definefallbackfamily? I have this code: \definefallbackfamily [documentfont] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:lowercaseitalic] \definefallbackfamily [documentfont] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:uppercaseitalic] \definefallbackfamily [documentfont] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:uppercasenormal] \definefallbackfamily [documentfont] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:lowercasenormal] \definefallbackfamily [documentfont] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:digitsnormal] \definefallbackfamily [documentfont] [mm] [Tex Gyre Adventor] [preset=math:digitsitalic] \definefontfamily [documentfont] [mm] [TeX Gyre Pagella Math] \setupbodyfont[documentfont,10pt] \definefontsize[m] \definefontsize[n] \definebodyfontenvironment[default][m=0.8,n=0.6] \starttext This paragraph contains text and $\tf math$. {\tfa This paragraph contains text and $\tf math$.} {\tfb This paragraph contains text and $\tf math$.} \stoptext The result in this case is italic math font. How can I have it upright? (If I comment out \definefontsize and \definebodyfontenvironment lines, the math font are upright.) Thank you in advance, bcsikos