Hello to all, I have a problem: I want to add a kind of glossary on a book. It will be, in fact, an explanation of acronyms ('NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation' for instance). But... I'd want it on every page, only for the acronyms used on the current page (and alphabetically sorted if possible)... I tried using layers (with or without tying them to backgrounds), blocks (\begin... \end...), buffers, list of synonyms, etc. but I had problems with one of the requirements or another. :-) My first idea was to use blocks for each page : \beginABREV[1] NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation \endABREV \beginABREV[1] BLOB: Binary Large Object \endABREV and to use them with \useblocks[ABREV][\pagenumber] in the footer. To be sure to give the right page number to \beginABREV, I tried to define a label and use it, something like (from memory, I don't have my code near to me): \reference[abbrev\ABREVcount]% Put a label \beginABREV[{\ref[r][abbrev\ABREVcount]}]% and use the label to get the current page on subsequent runs. but I went on a nightmare of expansion problems... Plus it didn't eliminate duplicates nor sort the acronyms. But it would have been a start... :-) Can someone point me to the right direction? Thanks in advance, Gilles.