Hello "Curious",
I have been using Latex for sometime and am thinking of switching to Context for at least some types of documents and hence have been trying it out. I love the charter font and tried to use the following commands to use the Charter font
\definetypeface [charter] [rm] [serif] [charter] [default] [encoding=ec] \switchtotypeface [charter] [12pt,rm]
However, when I compile the file with texexec I get the following warning:
pdfTeX warning: pdftex (file ec-bitstrea-charter.map): cannot open font map file
Can someone please help me fix this problem? I get the charter font output, however, the results are different from what I get with Latex. The letters seem more spread out and there seems to be more spacing between the words in the Context output. Could this be because of the above warning?
You are right that some things need to be fixed in ConTeXt - if
nothing else, the map file could be removed from type-one and
type.map. (Do not bother if you don't understand what I have written -
it's targeted to ConTeXt gurus. Any opinions?)
The file is missing, but all the needed definitions are inside
ec-base.map (I guess, I don't find ec-bitstrea-charter.map anywhere in
order to compare):
bchb8t CharterBT-Bold