Am Aug 19, 2012 um 11:55 AM schrieb Hans Hagen:
You can put this in cont-new.mkiv (after \unprotect):
\def\strc_formulas_handle_sub_numbering {\let\strc_formulas_handle_sub_numbering\relax % else error \doiftextelse\currentsubformulasuffix {\strc_counters_setown_sub\v!formula\plustwo\currentsubformulasuffix} {\strc_counters_increment_sub\v!formula\plustwo}% \placecurrentformulanumber}
Thanks Hans! Works nicely (as always). Just as minor comment in case someone faces the same problem: There's already a \def\strc_formulas_handle_sub_numbering in cont-new.mkiv (line 36; ConTeXt ver: 2012.08.16 22:20 MKIV fmt: 2012.8.21). So to make this fix work I had to redefine / replace the original command instead of just putting it there. Cheers, Andreas