Hi! Is there a way to produce a page-breakable framed text? I've already spent several hours on this and still can't find the solution. Or, may be there's a better way to achieve the effect, shown in the sample? Sample: % interface=en output=pdftex \defineframedtext[procedure][frame=off, leftframe=on, rulethickness=.4mm] \def\StartProcedure{\startnarrower[2*left] \startprocedure \startitemize[n]} \def\StopProcedure{\stopitemize \stopprocedure \stopnarrower} \def\Step{\item} \starttext \dorecurse{20}{Some Text. Some Text. Some Text. } \StartProcedure \dorecurse{10}{ \Step\dorecurse{20}{Some Text.} } \StopProcedure \dorecurse{20}{Some Text. Some Text. Some Text. } \stoptext ===== MA __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard - Read only the mail you want. http://antispam.yahoo.com/tools