I have just reinstalled ConTeXt and the module in hopes I was missing a file for whatever reason. The steps I took are: - Deleted last installation's folder; - Got the ConTeXt LMTX archive from the installation page on PRAGMA ADE's website and extracted it; - Ran the installation script after making it executable; - Ran `mtxrun --generate` and `context --make` just in case; - Went into <ConTeXt root>/tex and ran `mtxrun --script install-modules --install vim`. Unfortunately, the issue hasn't been fixed. I tried compiling a test document that just loads the module and has some text and it fails on the `\usemodule`. The compilation log says that `vim` is loaded, `syntax-highlight` and `syntax-groups` are loaded, but it could not find `filter` and `module-catcodes`. Should there perhaps be a `t-module-catcodes` (and/or `t-filter`) file somewhere within module files? I have ConTeXt version 2024.12.30 16:14.