Hello, I'm on Debian unstable and have the latest context sitting in my home directory's 'texmf'. The new ruby scripts confuse me to no end - I just don't understand how to make it works. Here is what works and what doesn't: 1) 'ruby ~/texmf/scripts/context/ruby/texexec.rb document.tex' works. 2) Made ~/texmf/scripts executable (recursively). 3) I have linked '~/texmf/scripts/context/ruby/texmfstart.rb' to '~/bin/texmfstart' (~/bin being in my path) and now calling 'texmfstart' gives me this: version : 1.8.6 - 2003/2006 - www.pragma-ade.com usage : texmfstart [switches] filename [optional arguments] switches : --verbose --report --browser --direct --execute --locate --iftouched --program --file --page --arguments --batch --edit --report --clear --make --lmake --wmake --path --stubpath --indirect --before --after --tree --autotree --environment --showenv example : texmfstart pstopdf.rb cow.eps texmfstart --locate examplex.rb texmfstart --execute examplex.rb texmfstart --browser examplap.pdf texmfstart showcase.pdf texmfstart --page=2 --file=showcase.pdf texmfstart --program=yourtex yourscript.rb arg-1 arg-2 texmfstart --direct xsltproc kpse:somefile.xsl somefile.xml texmfstart bin:xsltproc env:somepreset path:somefile.xsl somefile.xml texmfstart --iftouched=normal,lowres downsample.rb normal lowres texmfstart texmfstart bin:scite kpse:texmf.cnf texmfstart --exec bin:scite *.tex texmfstart --edit texmf.cnf texmfstart --serve texmfstart --stubpath=/usr/local/bin [--make --remove] --verbose all texmfstart --stubpath=auto [--make --remove] all Seems to work to a first approximation. 4) I have also added '~/texmf/scripts/context/stubs/unix' to my path to make the stubs residing therein accessible on the command line. 'which texexec' now returns ~/texmf/scripts/context/stubs/unix/texexec Which seems right. Also added to the path '~/texmf/scripts/context/ruby'. 'which texexec.rb' now returns ~/texmf/scripts/context/ruby/texexec.rb However, just calling 'texexec document.tex' does not work - NOTHING happens, new prompt, no errors. Same thing with 'texmfstart texexec.rb document.tex' - which is the command the 'texexec'-stub actually calls. I'm at the end of my knowledge and intuition. Can anybody help circumventing the need for the monster 'ruby ~/texmf/scripts/context/ruby/texexec.rb document.tex'? Thanks, Joh