luigi.scarso wrote:
Taco Hoekwater wrote:
AFAIK, there is only one way to do this: write a new tex file on- the-fly and run a separate texexec on that file (using \write18), then parse the resulting log file for the occurence of any errors. Not simple at all, I'm afraid.
hmm, i've hundred of \startArticle..
I'll consider the possibility of adding a new primitive to pdfetex (the language) for the discovery of run-time errors like this. That will not help you at this moment, though.
2. \type does not combine well with \meaning: ò (ie {\`o} ) is not show.
good , but type also first \expandafter after \type
Sorry, the correct solution is: \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\type \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter {\expandafter\scantokens\expandafter{\Temp}}% or, a bit shorter but needing \(un)protect: \@EA\@EA\@EA\type\@EA\@EA\@EA{\@EA\scantokens\@EA{\Temp}}% My original post only \expanded the single token \type, not the whole argument. Cheers, Taco