On 11/27/18 12:33 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 11/24/2018 10:02 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
[...] BTW, to get pure lfbd values, I had to replace line 361 from font-imp-quality lua with:
local p = d/1000
two issues:
- no 1000 but units - we need to be able to go less extreme, so we keep factor
so something
local p = lfactor * d/units
Many thanks for your reply, Hans. The new definition is fine for me. BTW, I have an issue issue with the font feature. I cannot have both default and the opbd as font features, such as in: \setuplayout[topspace=1cm, height=middle, footer=0cm, header=0cm] \definefontfeature[newfeature] [protrusion=opentype, opbd=yes, script=grek] \definefontfamily[mainface][rm] [GFS Didot][features={default, newfeature}] \setupbodyfont[mainface, 325pt] \setupalign[hanging] \starttext Α\\Ἇ \stoptext I guess this may be related to "script=grek", but I don’t know whehter I’m doing something wrong.
I hope it is clear now why raw values from the font are needed.
fwiw it looks a bit too excessive to me (i'm not sure if graphical elements like those accents which are part of the character needs that much protrusion)
I agree. These are excessive values, but this is rather a very particular case. Hanging diacritics are used only in poetry, not in prose: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/2417759_From_Unicode_to_Typography_... (section “1.6.2 Hanging Diacritics” on page 21). Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk