Hans wrote:
in cont-new (or cont-sys) you can say:
This 'test' was added in order to determine of tex runs in 8 bit mode. I wonder where the Malformed message comes from. Since when is perl utf-8 by default?
(i run perl 5.8.0)
I'm running 5.8.0 too (on Redhat). I have added \def\testbytesequence{} to the end of cont-new and the errors go away - but unfortunately I'm still not getting any register output. I still get register entries : 0 -> 0 entries 0 references although the .tui file is full of entries as far as I can tell. Maybe something esle is wrong - still working on minimal file. Hans wrote:
can you check your cp8bit.tcx file? it probably isn't 8 bit -) should be:
0x00 0x00 % 0x01 0x01 % 0x02 0x02 % 0x03 0x03 % 0x04 0x04 %
Well on my system that file (which is dated February 29 2000) starts
like this
more /usr/TeX/texmf/web2c/cp8bit.tcx:
%% cp8bit.tcx: transparent encoding translation table for TeX
%% input: any 8-bit text encoding
%% internal TeX: the same encoding (nothing changes, but teTeX will display
%% 8-bit messages on console and in logfile)
%% comment: This is required in teTeX to see 8-bit messages at
console and
%% in logfile (they are displayed in ^^xx form by default).
%% Usage: add
%% %& --translate-file=cp8bit.tcx
%% as a first line of your document.
%% Prepared by Alexander Bokovoy