It works!! And can be scaled nicely... Thank you very much!!
The other thing I've tried is to move my figures to a subdirectory
called "figs/". Following the wiki instructions, in the preamble I
So, running "texexec --output=pdftex pfc.tex", somewhere in the output
it says:
figures : figure system.svg can not be found
I've tried the complete path, but nothing... any ideas?
Zeus Gómez Marmolejo wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm working with Inkscape and I would like to embed some figures
> directly in vector format. How do I do that??
> I'm trying this:
> \externalfigure[system][type=svg][scale=1000]
> But a "dummy" image appears. Is there any svg support in context?!
\usemodule[res-08] \setups[rl:manipulate]
if you're lucky, it works, otherwise you need to look into how rlxtools