On 1/3/22 10:43 AM, hanneder--- via ntg-context wrote:
For the last two decades edmac and its further developments (now reledmac) have become the standard for critical editions. In my experience the basic requirements for typesetting critical editions were and are:
- footnotes have to be formatted in paragraphs - multiple footnotes layers stacked below the critical text must be possible - automatic reference to linenumbers - or: manual references to verse numbers - language specific requirements (more complicated, see below)
Hi Jürgen, not knowing which are the specific requirements for the language you use, I think all of these may be achieved in ConTeXt LMTX.
In the last years new requirements have been added:
- some funding institutions in the academic world practically enforce online editions - data have to be made available in TEI xml format
Sorry for asking the basic question: what are online editions? I mean, does uploading a PDF document count as an online edition? As you may already know, ConTeXt can deal with XML sources (see »Kritische Editionen mit TEI xml und ConTEXt« by Thomas Schmitz (2011) [https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=72857]). ConTeXt might also output XML. But this is much harder in practice. All I know about it is what Hans wrote bout this.
This is why I was curious to see about the status of critical edition in ConTeXt. I was hoping for something that can be kept simple.
Sorry, Jürgen, but from your statements it isn’t clear to me how ConTeXt can fit in you projects: simpler and more readable input code?
Absolutely. It would be great to see a Context solution for this.
https://www.djdekker.net/ledmac/sample-edition3.pdf contains line numbers and margin notes. It can be done with ConTeXt. https://www.djdekker.net/ledmac/sample-edition2.pdf contains multiple apparatus below critical texts. It might require \setupnote[location=text]. https://www.djdekker.net/ledmac/sample-edition.pdf contains multiple apparatus at the bottom of the page. Just in case it might help, Pablo