Hans wrote:
I've added a module m-ipsum.
Duly wikified, although heaven knows whether people will actually find it that way. No matter: soon we will have navboxes and that will give us a shot at coherent topic-based navigation. For now I've made a pagelet at http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Dummy_text, as well as an entry on the Modules page.
I have no clue if it provides what one expects from such a module
Personally, I think the ability to write one's thesis is a reasonable expectation. ;-) % Shamelessly borrowed from % http://repo.or.cz/w/context.git/blob/HEAD:/tex/context/base/m-visual.mkiv#l2... \unexpanded\def\ipsumthesis {\setupsystem[random=1234] \title{\ipsum[alternative=lines, n=1]} % the first line from the sample text \placelist[chapter,section] \dorecurse{3} {\chapter{\ipsum[alternative=lines, n=random]} % random sentence from the sample text \dorecurse{5} {\section{\ipsum[alternative=lines, n=random]} \dorecurse{4} {\dorecurse{3}{\ipsum[alternative=paragraph, n=random]\endgraf} \placefigure {\ipsum[alternative=lines,n=random]} {\fakeimage{5cm}{3cm}{10cm}{5cm}} \dorecurse{2}{\ipsum[alternative=paragraph, n=random]\endgraf}}}}} Regards, Sietse