23 Dec
23 Dec
3:29 p.m.
On Tue, 23 Dec 2003 13:16:58 +0000
Nigel King
Hans ruby texsync.rb --update --tree=doc --force --destination=/Users/Shared/Context/
Gets me the manuals
I think on UNIX the first line of the script should look like #!/usr/bin/ruby
Ab better way for most normal unices is to use #!/usr/bin/env ruby But that does not seem to be your problem
However I tried this and then [Nigel-Kings-G4-Lap:~/bin] nigelk% texsync.rb texsync.rb: Command not found.
Here is the question if the local directory is part of your path To run commands savely from a local directory use ./texsync.rb HTH, __Janko