Hello all.
I have a file test-fonts.tex which just combines Palatino and Helvetica
into one typescript:
\starttypescript [TESTfonts]
\definetypeface [TESTCombo] [rm] [serif] [palatino] [default]
\definetypeface [TESTCombo] [ss] [sans] [helvetica] [default]
And I have a simple test file which tries that typescript out:
Palatino? Normal \Delta, Maths \mathematics\Delta, Greek \greekDelta\par
Palatino? Normal \delta, Maths \mathematics\delta, Greek \greekdelta\par
{\ss Helvetica? Normal \Delta, Maths \mathematics\Delta, Greek
Helvetica? Normal \delta, Maths \mathematics\delta, Greek \greekdelta\par}
With the line
everything works well, but when I change it to
the Delta signs disappear! (The lowercase deltas remain - weird?)
I am really confused (and it took ages to understand what was happening,
since the disappearing Greek originally occurred in a 700 page book...).
When comparing the log files for each version, the broken one (10pt) has
the line:
Warning: pdfetex.exe (file
c:\tex\texmf/fonts/type1/urw/palatino/uplr8a.pfb): glyph `uni20AC' undefined
whereas the working one (14pt) doesn't, and instead has: