On 2015-01-25 Hans Hagen wrote:
On 1/24/2015 2:12 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
I have the following sample:
\definefontfeature[default][default][script=latn, calt=yes] \definefontfamily[mainface][serif][Pecita] \setupbodyfont[mainface] \starttext \input zapf \stoptext
The Pecita font is licensed under the Open Font License and it can be downloaded at http://pecita.eu/b/Pecita.otf.
For some strange reason, the contextual alternates feature isn’t working.
maybe they depend on other features being set
There are lots of definitions in calt table, but referenced via 'lookup' mechanism. lookup calt5 { # sub @calt30' @calt30' by [a.I_ ... f_dotlessi._I]; } calt5; language ENG ; # English script DFLT; lookup calt5; To me it is quite unusual. Jan