Dear list members, I’m trying to make certain text standout from the surrounding text by adding a colored rule to the side. See below MWE. The colored rule is not shown over the area where the picture is displaced. Does anybody know how can I fix this? Kind regards, Jan Willem \definetextbackground [Example] [mp=background:rule,location=paragraph, rulethickness=3pt,framecolor=red, leftoffset=1em,rightoffset=1em, toptoffset=1em,bottomoffset=1em, before={\testpage[3]\blank[3*big]}, after={\blank[3*big]}] \startuseMPgraphic{background:rule} linecap := butt; begingroup; for i=1 upto nofmultipars : draw (ulcorner multipars[i]--llcorner multipars[i]) withcolor \MPvar{linecolor} withpen pencircle scaled \MPvar{linewidth} ; endfor ; endgroup; \stopuseMPgraphic \useMPlibrary[dum] \starttext \startExample {\bf Example - Title\hfill{Subtitle}} \blank \placefigure [force,none][]{} {\externalfigure[dum][width=0.3\textwidth]} \input knuth \stopExample \stoptext