On Wed, 7 Jul 2021 12:25:29 -0600
Alan Braslau
Windows, I believe, does not take kindly to filenames containing multiple dots.
Disclaimer: I don't use Windows, I know nothing about Windows. But I downloaded a Windows 10 VM and fired it up, installed LMTX, created a file (in the default editor): # file name: 10.10.10.tex \starttext foo \stoptext Then I ran install.bat setpath.bat # LMTX context 10.10.10.tex → 10.10.pdf → 10.log # MkIV context --luatex 10.10.10.tex → 10.10.10.pdf → 10.10.10.log So I can't confirm your findings. MkIV works exactly the same on a vanilla Windows 10 VM than it does on a Unix system and produces correct output files with multiple dots. No issues there.
Therefore, Hans never uses such filenames and does not expect them, either, so I am not surprised that this yields unpredictable results.
An unfortunate side-effect of dealing with Windows.
My short test above seems to suggest that it's not an OS issue since Unix and Windows behave exactly the same. MkIV (which seems to work fine on Windows) as well as the LMTX issue. But maybe I did something wrong there, in that case please let me know. And Hans said “I'll look at it” a while back, so I just wanted to send a reminder. Since it worked in MkIV it looks like a regression. I mean it used to work. Several of my projects rely on source files with multiple dots. I know it's not common to have multiple dots, but I hope there's chance it might be fixed. But maybe Hans can chime in and clarify. Marco