ok! I have modified the batch-files.
Next Problems:
texexec.ini is not found in 'context\config' I copyed it in 'scripts\context\perl' now it is found.
Is this normal? Or is this a symptome of the problem I am looking for?
'texexec --verbose' tries to compile all the files in the aktuel path.
'texmfstart texexec.pl --verbose' works ok.
same with
'texexec --make --all' doesn't work
'texmfstart texexec.pl --make --all' works!
formatfiles will generatet under '.\pdfetex' relativ to the aktual path.
I have found TWO different files 'texmf.cnf'. One in 'tex\texmf\web2c' the other in 'tex\texmf-local\web2c'. Meight this be an Problem? Which of them is the right one? I have NOT found any file 'pdftex.cfg'. Ist this normal? In 'texmf.cnf' are some pathes written with '/' and '\' mixed. Should this be korrekted. Wolfgang