On Sun, May 12, 2024 at 6:24 PM Fabrice Couvreur <fabrice1.couvreur@gmail.com> wrote:
> With Okular, it works !
Very good. You can still try the thing below:
local exp = math.exp
local N = 1000
local xstep = 1.6/N
local ystep = 1.8/N
local xmin = 0.3
local ymin = 0.4
local function f(x,y)
local x = xstep*x - xmin
local y = ystep*y - ymin
local z = x + exp(-60*x) - y
if z > 0 then
return '1'
return '0'
potrace.setbitmap("mybitmap", potrace.contourplot(N,N,f))
path p ; p := lmt_potraced [
stringname = "mybitmap",
value = "1",
tolerance = 0.1,
threshold = 0.2,
optimize = true,
] ;
p := p xsized 10cm ;
draw p withpen pencircle scaled 5 withcolor "darkblue" ;
drawpoints p withcolor "orange" ;
drawpointlabels p ;
p := subpath(6,19) of p ;
draw p withpen pencircle scaled 3 withcolor "yellow" ;
Another thing, Hans added nocycle, so you can write your loop if you want to use it as something like
def compute_curve(suffix f)(expr xmin, xmax, xinc) =
for x=xmin step xinc until xmax:
(x,f(x)) ..
endfor nocycle ;
Then you do not need to think about the first and/or last point separately.